Congratulations to Barbara,for earning the 2020 “Awakening Peace” Award. Barbara is a life long Rotarian, the President of the Rotary E-Club of World Peace, and an honored Board member of the Rotary Action Group for Peace.
Barbara was destined to be a peacebuilder since she was 3 years old. Since then Peace became her passion, mission, and her lifestyle. From the relationships she builds, her professional career, her personal projects, and even her love life, Barbara is intentional about Peace being at the center. This is obvious as she projects her contagious positive energy and wholehearted spirit to everyone around her. Barbara tirelessly strives to awaken peace in her leadership roles, community projects, and international engagements.
When it comes to Peace, Barbara is never short of ideas and actions. She co-authored “Revolutionary Conversations: The Tools You Need for the Success You Want” as well as “7500 Ideas for a Better World.” Every week, Barbara hosts an inspiring Peace podcast you can find on PeacePodcast.orgwhere she speaks with global Peacemakers on ideas, insights, and paths for world peace. She is an international speaker on a wide variety of topics and has spoken at the United Nations where she received the Spirit of the UN award.