Imagine our world with The Culture of Peace across the Globe, in every city, country, and region.
Impossible? Not if you listen to the vision of Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, our
special guest in this Podcast. As a career diplomat, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh
to the United Nations, Special Advisor to the UN General Assembly, and recipient of the U Thant
Peace Award and the UNESCO Gandhi Gold medal for the Culture of Peace you will see how his leadership
to our global community is boldly imprinted in his pioneering work. In September 1999 his peace and
security Council Resolution 1325 was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.
What is the extent of involvement of the UN System in promoting the Culture of Peace?
This and the following questions about women’s equality and why this is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
And if you are wondering how to evaluate the performance of the UN in addressing the ongoing global Challenges,
Ambassador Chowdhury will give you insights and action you can take to bring peace to our world.
You may also wish to listen to his speech on the 75th Anniversary of the UN – Peace Podcast #44.
Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury
Former Under-Secretary-General
and High Representative of the UN