Chapter 9 opens with Harpist Tami Briggs. Tami said this was a very hard chapter to read and offered to play her harp. This opened our hearts and soothed our souls and made us determined to end war. You’ll hear how guest speaker, Dr. Dot Maver met Robert at the United Nations and how his words have guided her for over 50 years.
Author Douglas Gillies shows in Chapter 9, in vivid detail, how Robert witnessed the horrors and senseless murders caused by this “stupid war”. Dot eloquently read paragraphs, bringing voice and understanding to each page as we live and see the brutality of World War ll.
In Preparation for Robert’s 100th Anniversary we are reading Prophet – The Hatmaker’s Son, the inspiring, true story of Robert Muller, a man who lived through the atrocities of World War II and then dedicated his life to peace at the United Nations for over 40 years.
Robert acted consistently and fearlessly with the spirit of peace and the greater good.
Dr. Dorothy Maver