Of Encouragement, “There are immense virtues in encouragement. We must stimulate each other to be good, happy, and fulfilled people.”
Justine Willis Toms expands the landscape of peace in her presentation in Episode 2. She shares the virtues of encouragement as Robert identified in this section on Lessons we Learn From Adulthood and Nature. When we speak to one another, encouragement helps us to be present with those who are working for peace and good on Earth. “To reach the highest levels of peace, justice, beauty, and happiness; we must encourage each other, individual to individual, nation to nation by our actions and our words.”
As Justine, co-founder and Host of New Dimensions Radio, knows from her hundreds of radio interviews, Peace begins in conversation and how we express the love in our lives, professions, and families, making a work of art in the few precious years that are granted to us. Through Justine’s presentation about Robert, we begin to more fully understand Robert’s passion for Peace and how we too can manifest a happy destiny for ourselves and others, regardless of the circumstances, as section 2 so clearly shows in Robert’s written words.