What if we found out that our anger and arguments could lead to our personal growth and also help with global challenges? Impossible? Listen to Dorothie and Martin Hellman’s journey to save their relationship and stop the unbearable pain in their marriage. In their revealing and personal story, they found an intimate interplay between their personal struggle and that of nations who grapple with global challenges in the nuclear age.
I asked about the subtitle of their book, “creating true love at home and peace the planet”. As this is so appropriate to Valentine’s Day, how are these two related?
I also asked about how they haven’t had a fight in 20 years. You will love their answers.
As you listen you will see how working on global challenges proved critical to bringing magic back into their marriage, and their truly loving personal relationship provided a model for a peaceful, sustainable planet.
As I finished the book I read, “ Marty and I have been together for over fifty years and, as you’ll learn from this book, we had to navigate some very rocky patches and fall in love with our planet to recover true love in our home.”
You can now read their journey as their gift to our listeners, a free PDF of their book: A New Map for Relationships.