Al Jubitz is a man of peace, a man against violence and the money wasted on Wars.
He joined Rotary in 1977 as a third generation Rotarian and is Past President of the 2002-2003 Rotary Club of Portland. Al believes that Rotary is uniquely capable of turning the world toward nonviolent conflict resolution, ultimately leading to a world beyond war.
Listen to find out why he submitted an application for the Rotarian Action Group for Peace to Rotary International to achieve these objectives:
- Enable Rotarians in every community around the world to initiate peace service projects
- Involve Rotarians in nonviolent conflict resolution training
- Train Rotarians to monitor and report hot spots around the world as a vital first step in an “early warning” system to prevent escalation to violent conflict
- Provide leadership to Rotary International in adopting a world-wide goal to prevent all wars by 2030
As Al says. “Non-Rotarians can also join the Rotary Action Group for Peace’ rotarianactiongroupforpeace.orgWhen we believe peace is possible and when we support each other and work for peace then peace becomes a reality.
.And for Al’s continued efforts he is being recognized for his peace work with the 2020 Legacy of Peace Award.