Thank you for celebrating Robert Muller’s 101st birthday
Dear Peace Podcast Friends, March 19, 2024 Thank you for celebrating Robert Muller’s 101st birthday and viewing our PeacePodcast.org #125....

UNA-SoCal Division Annual Meeting Saturday, January 20, 2024 12:30pm-2:30pm PST
Dr. Ernest ThiessenFounder of the “Smartsettle: The World’s First MultipartyeNegotiation System to End Wars” Dr Thiessen is President of iCan...

World Peace First Begins Within Ourselves
Happy New Year to each of you! For over 75 years our world has had a blue print for a...

Smartsettle: The Worlds First Multiparty eNegotiation System by Dr. Ernest Thiessen
It is my honor to introduce the founder of Smartsettle, Dr. Ernest Thiessen. In this Podcast you will meet Smartsettle...

Barbara Gaughen-Muller: UN International Day of Peace
In honor of September 21, The International Day of Peace, Barbara Muller speaks to the Golden Rotary Club in Colorado...

Join Us on March 10th for the celebration of H.E. Robert Muller

My life With UN Peacemaker Robert Muller with Barbara Muller
Dear Peace Book Club, What an inspiring 11 months we have had reading PROPHET and hearing from world peacebuilders who knew Robert. Each monthly...

The Time for Peace Is Now
Happy Holidays to each of you and at this time of year, we wish each other Peace, Joy, and a...

My Path to Peace Barbara Gaughen Muller
My Path To Peace My Path to Peace is one that might give you hope and inspiration to look at...