Michael Lesnick shares Robert Muller’s Peace ideas from John Denver’s Windstar Symposium
PEACE PODCAST · Barbara Gaughen-Muller Interviews Michael Lesnick shares Robert Muller’s Peace ideas Michael Lesnick, is a Peacebuilder, often behind...
PEACE PODCAST · Barbara Gaughen-Muller Interviews Michael Lesnick shares Robert Muller’s Peace ideas Michael Lesnick, is a Peacebuilder, often behind...
PEACE PODCAST · Barbara Gaughen-Muller Interviews Harpist Tami Briggs, Music to Heal and Bring Peace for 2023 We begin...
PEACE PODCAST · Barbara Gaughen-Muller Interviews Dr. Todd C. Jenkins Jr. Honored Rotarian, Corporate DEI Leader Welcome to our 100th...
PEACE PODCAST · Barbara Gaughen-Muller Interviews Dr. Dot Maver Know what you think and always have the courage to say...
PEACE PODCAST · Barbara Gaughen-Muller Interviews Dr. Ann Frisch, Rotarian, 2017 Rotary UN Peace Champion Award Dr. Ann Frisch, with...
PEACE PODCAST · Barbara Gaughen-Muller Interviews Richard Denton, MD, Environmentalist, Rotary Peace Chair Richard Denton is a retired medical doctor, concerned...
PEACE PODCAST · Barbara Gaughen-Muller Interviews Tezikiah (Tez) Gabriel Director Pathways to Peace Personal Peace Tezikiah is the Executive Director...
PEACE PODCAST · Barbara Gaughen-Muller Interviews Stanley Hersha Diplomat, Peacebuilder Conflicts can be Resolved Stanley Harsha is a former U.S....
PEACE PODCAST · Barbara Gaughen-Muller Interviews Dr. Paula Garb , Professor, Peacebuider in conflict zones Dr. Paula Garb knows the...
PEACE PODCAST · Barbara Gaughen-Muller Interviews Kerri Murray.President, Shelter Box USA 2022 Peace Prize winner. Kerri Murray serves as President...