Honorable Dr. Barbara Leger
Dr. Barbara Leger calls herself a ‘PEACAVIST’ and focuses on what peace is, what it does, how it works and how to use it. Her genius is: she easily sees POSSIBILITY & gets GREAT IDEAS wherever she goes.
She is a global citizen and her CV says Canadian Passport, American Green Card and Ukrainian Soul. She has an honorary doctorate in Consciousness Studies.
On 9/11/ 2001, she moved to Ukraine to open an NGO to contribute to economic development and to create educational programs for adults in growing consciousness of mindful use of choice in development of a possibility mindset, geared to peace and freedom. In 2020 she shifted her attention to school age children in public school grades 1 through 11. It is one of the best decisions she has ever made – it is working and in transformative, unexpectedly amazing ways. www.goldenpathofpeace.org
In her podcast, we will explore 3 topics:
1) What is the essence of the story that got you to be leader of a successful Special Focus Educational Program on Peace, and how it got in great demand in Ukraine?
2) Is there something that you struggle to be at peace in your own life and work?
3) If Barbara had a magic wand, what is the one thing she would do for the good of all humanity?