As Rotarians there may be no greater desire than to improve the quality of life on our planet and change the world in a positive way. We may have an inspiring vision for a better world, yet don’t have a way to speak concisely and powerfully about it.
In this video, you will hear my talk “How to Be A Rotarian Spokesperson For Your Vision And Peace” to the Rotary E-Club of One World, September 28, 2024. I presented the basic tools to gain attention for you as a spokesperson. This is based on the Sam Daley-Harris founder of RESULTS and Chapter 21, from his new book RELAIMING OUR DEMOCRACY, Every Citizen’s Guide to Transformational Advocacy.
Here’s the simple acronym, EPIC to help you remember the basics of creating your talk:
ENGAGE your audience
State the PROBLEM
INFORM about solutions
CALL to specific action