On this International Day of Happiness, I invite you to journey with me through Most of All They Taught Me Happiness by Robert Muller, my late husband.
Robert wrote in the Preface of his republished edition:
“It is my greatest wish that these stories will inspire you to be aware of all the blessings and to work for the happiness of others.
All of us can decide to apply our talents, passion and energy to cultivate the welfare of all human beings.”
So please join Sanford Hinden and me Sunday, April 2 at 9:00am, pacific Time on Zoom 847 6098 0621. If you need a copy of his signed book-just drop me an email with your address and I’ll include a bill for $15 which includes postage and you can pay later!
Peace and love,
Barbara Muller
bgaughenmu@aol.com (mailto:bgaughenmu@aol.com)
PeacePodcast.org (http://Peacepodcast.org/)