Katherine Collis, Spiritual Counselor, Findhorn Fellow, Retreat leader for Pilgrimages to Iona
The title of this Podcast is “ Calling the Future Into Being” How do we navigate a changing world? Katherine Collis starts with a quote by William Irwin Thompson, a cultural historian, “we tend to drive into the future looking in rear view mirror”. And isn’t that why we repeat history again and again and make the same choices and mistakes?
Listen to find our how to create a future that is not a repeat of those things that have clearly not served the wellbeing of our human and natural communities, and ourselves?
To face the future is to face the unknown, one of the greatest fears we have. What can I do in my everyday life that moves into that calm of consciousness that beholds the potential and inspires me to be in my own self and life? Katherine shares her wisdom which will help us all call our future into being:
What we focus on and where we place our attention has power in what we create – within us and around us.
Create moments of spaciousness and openness. Give time and attention to not filling oneself up with business and things. BE From this spaciousness new ways of seeing and understanding break through
Practice seeing the essential nature of those around you, not just their surface faults, but beholding their beauty, uniqueness, gifts and potential
Know we can change – Every day we are born anew.
Like the acorn for the oak, that future needs our tending, our energy, our recognition and support.
Love is the co-creative quality that bonds the future, the next stage of our Being, into this moment in time. Hold the world like you would hold your new born child
Act in the present tense – be the healing be the future you are holding in your heart
Likewise pay attention and engage the imagine part of our selves. It is where the causal power of our being resides – it acts as a generative power that moves through time and space – just like prayer.
Imagine the future, give voice and words and images and felt sense to our creative ideas and visions – like Robert Muller’s Bench of Dream! Each day make time to pray, be grateful and love all life forms within our world.