For 35 years, Author, Innovator, and Artist Laurie Marshall has empowered youth and adults through creative collaboration. She practices Peace Building through Art, inspired by Nature. A visionary educator, she has served mostly low-income children, families, and their schools as an Arts Integration and Project-Based Learning specialist. Her mission is to nurture creativity, a love of learning, and a collaborative spirit. She is the founder of Unity Through Creativity Foundation and the Singing Tree Project.
Laurie is a certified K-12 Art and Social Studies Teacher with training in the Waldorf Curriculum, Conversational Intelligence, Peace Literacy, and Outward Bound. Her B.A. from Antioch College in history and education, an M.A. in art and education from Beacon College laid the groundwork for her innovative use of visual art and storytelling in consensus building, leadership training, and conflict prevention.
Listen as we explore her path to becoming a Peace Activist And why art is important for peace which is explained in this video: