What if Peace is possible and could begin with each of us?
Impossible? I’ve interviewed peace builders, world leaders, authors and everyday people. I’ve seen the power of a single word or a single person start a chain for peace.
Here’s what I’ve learned:
Peace is personal
Peace is our choice
Peace is do-able
And each of us can contribute to
Peace in our own way.
When I interviewed Jane Goodall, she said her work with
the chimpanzees began by simply sitting near them, letting them see she was peaceful. As Jane said, “being peaceful may just be enough to share peace, wherever you are.”
As my late husband United Nations Robert Muller said, “To encourage joy creates joy; to promote peace brings peace.”
Robert’s words helped me create PeacePodcast.org. In these 146 PeacePodcasts, I’ve met the most amazing people, recorded their inspiring peace stories, posted on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Facebook & www.peacepodcast.org
In Podcast #133, Gordon Mcinally shares a moment in Rwanda when he saw photographs of fallen victims and wondered is Peace Really Possible? And the next day when visiting the Peace and Reconciliation Village he met a young woman survivor and witnessed how she was bravely changing enemies into friends and then he knew, when we are at peace, others can be inspired to become peaceful. As Gordon says , “Any work toward building peace needs to be brave and bold”. Thank you, RI President Gordon for your Rotary year of inspiration and Peacebuilding.
Benjamin Ferencz #34, was the last Prosecuter for the Nurenberg Trials, the biggest murder trial in history for the Nazi War Crimes after World War II. A determined 27 year old lawyer, all 22 men on trial were convicted. Ben was 100 years old when we had our podcast, “War makes criminals and murderes out of ordinary, decent people”. And I will always remember his words, “It takes courage to not be discouraged”. And his final message, “Never give up, never give up, never give up working for peace!”
Al Jubitz #45 submitted an application for the Rotarian Action Group for Peace to Rotary International to provide leadership to Rotary International in adopting a world-wide goal to prevent all wars by 2030. As Al says. “Non-Rotarians can also join the rotarianactiongroupforpeace.org ”When we believe peace is possible and when we support each other and work for peace then peace becomes a reality”.
“You may not be responsible for world peace, but you are responsible for your Piece/peace of Peace.” Brian Farr, Rotary Peace Builder #52, creator of Your Piece of Peace.
Barbara Gaughen-Muller, Creator-Host: Peacepodcast.org