Peter D. Carter, M.D., Director Climate Emergency Institute, Warming & Climate Change
Peter Carter, M.D. is a retired family physician who practiced medicine first in England and then on both coasts of Canada for almost 40 years.
When his sons were born, Dr. Carter became actively involved first in the peace and nuclear disarmament movement as a member of IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War), and then the environmental movement and sustainable development, especially as they relate to children’s health.
Since 1988, Peter has been following global warming and climate change research. His approach to assessing climate change is based on environmental health and human rights protection. Since 2007, he has developed a unique approach to climate change risk, by estimating the total committed (i.e., locked in or unavoidable) global warming, which he has had published in scientific journals. He provides climate science information to several websites and organizations. Best link for Peter’s work:
Peter discusses and shares the science that shows we are already far beyond “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”. This science shows that the world is facing planetary catastrophe from multiple amplifying feedbacks and runaway carbon dynamics and crop declines. So what can we do now? Peter shows there is hope and not to give up takes courage and everyone’s voice and awareness. This is a very thoughtful discussion and you may want to watch with friends and have a climate conversation.
Peter’s mission now is to spread the full truth about the extreme risks and magnitude of the global climate and ocean disruption emergency and its impacts on our food security, our health — and our survival. Catch Peter’s dream for our world now!