Tezikiah is the Executive Director of Pathways To Peace, a UN Peace Messenger Organization, in consultation with ECOSOC. Tez works in partnership with Peacebuilders locally and globally to build a Culture of Peace.
She is the owner and Senior Consultant for Gabriel Associates. For 30 years, Tez has worked with mission-based organizations to create relevant, viable, and sustainable, organizations and communities that affect real and positive change in our world. As she says we are all here for a reason and alive today because we are the change the world needs now.
Tez is an ordained minister who conducts inter-faith and intercultural ceremonies and works with individuals and groups to “Empower the Divine Within Each of Us.” We shared how both Avon Mattison, the co-founder of www.PathwaystoPeace.org, and Robert Muller, my late husband have left their work for us to learn from and follow to bring peace to our planet.
Listen to her how Tez views life as extraordinary opportunity to bring together peace, trust, and love as our investment for our future. We had an amazing conversation and one you will want to view with friends. For more information about Tez go to www.PathwaystoPeace.org