Rachel Bowen Pittman, Executive Director of UNA-USA, leads a grassroots advocacy movement of more than 20,000 Americans in 225+ chapters who are dedicated to supporting the work of the United Nations in their communities, on campuses, and on Capitol Hill.
She guides the UNA-USA’s strategic work and key partnerships, oversees membership expansion, and spearheads important advocacy initiatives to help the United States advance the far-reaching goals of the United Nations. And now we are in a decade of action for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Listen to hear how the UNA-USA’s are helping to celebrate the United Nations historic 75th Anniversary. She shares the results of our recent Global Conversation with responses from over 2,000 voices in 50 states and what actions were recommended to achieve a brighter future.
This amazing leader shares how are we mobilizing UNA members during the COVID 19 Pandemic? And lastly, Antonio’s Guterres’ plan for the recovery is our opportunity to do things right in the future. Rachael can be reached on Twitter #rachaelbpittman.
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